
Showing posts from July, 2013

Marriage Monday - First Dance

Philip and I have never had a song. He is a music person and I used to be, but his taste in music is not exactly what you would play at a wedding reception (nor would he want his taste to be what you would play at a wedding reception). So the music part in general was somewhat difficult. I have more mainstream taste than he does, but thinking of a good, classic, not overly used, and non-cheesy first dance song was a bit of a challenge. For a long time I thought our first dance song would be "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis. It's Elvis; how can you go wrong? I was a fan and Philip was too, but towards the end I felt like he wasn't as excited about it. Then I thought of the song, "The Way You Look Tonight" by Sinatra. Honestly the first time I heard this song was in the movie My Best Friend's Wedding . (A lot of songs always come back to the movies for me!) I mean, the first time I saw that movie I was probably 13, so to know of Frank Sinatra...

Marriage Monday - Other Goodies

I am so very unapologetically behind on Marriage Monday. You don't care. I don't care. So this week I'm talking about other fun things that were at our reception. I knew I wanted a unique card box because I think card boxes in general are pretty tacky and ugly. At one point I was thinking of doing some Up inspired things and I thought a mailbox would be super cute--Philip and I could paint our hands and names on it, ya know. I didn't end up doing the Up  stuff, but I still had a mailbox for our cards. It was like $12 at Home Depot and my uncle Randy made a little stand out of wood so that it would stand up properly. It was one of the last things that I decorated, so it looks not great... but it was cute enough! My dad painted the flag silver for me haha. (The purple stuff is removable if anyone wants to use this for their own wedding!) I was pretty pleased with how our seating chart came out. I designed in it a Word document and then just had it blo...