I got the most fantastic e-mail today from a former student in the program I'm in. She did an internship at Cambridge University in England and my advisor gave me her e-mail address so I could bug her about what it was like. It sounds so great! She calmed some of my fears about the logistics of the whole thing like getting there, finding a place to live, being/feeling safe, being away from home, etc. And she made me really, really excited about the important things like actually being there, working there, getting to know the people, and having the experience of a lifetime for six weeks.

I'm excited to hear back from her again because I had some questions about when the terms begin there. It's a good thing to have someone like her that I can contact when I have questions. Maybe I'll go to Cambridge instead of Canterbury...

I really wish I were going this summer instead of next summer. I just need to remember to take one day at a time because the days go fast enough as it is.


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