I am at the Normal Public Library and I am surrounding by racial/ethnic minorities. (Did we ever actually assert what the difference is?) Within 20 feet of me there are two Hispanic people, two people of African descent, one person of Middle-Eastern descent, and one Asian person. I see a family of Hispanics walking toward me.

It's kind of sad to say that I think the reason this has happened is because those of us with privilege don't necessarily need to use the services of a public library. That is so unfortunate. I like being the minority in a room. It really turns the tables, even though I feel no different and it makes no impact on the injustices.

I like being here; I've come to realize that the library is a great resource and I intend on using it more fully in the future. It brings back such great memories for me. I hope this library always stays the same because I think if I ever move away, I will come back here and automatically be in 5th grade super excited to read the new American Girl or Judy Blume book.


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