The semester finally feels manageable now that I have less than 4 weeks left and I can almost count on one hand the number of things I have to do for school. Just as a recap...

Tasks left to do:
EDCEP Class- Watch module 6 videos- Take modules 5 & 6 quiz- Watch module 7 videos- Complete module 7 assignment
EAF Class- Complete peer review of Omolola's case study- Work on/complete research project
The research project will take the most time and, though I've procrastinated quite a bit on it, I don't think I'm in that bad of shape. Lately I've just been feeling like I can only work on one project at a time, otherwise I get overwhelmed and just want to give up. I'm glad that I did put in some work on the project at the beginning and middle of the semester. I have a feeling that everyone in class is in the same boat on this project as I am, which is good. Well, not good--but it's nice sometimes to have people to commiserate with.
In other news, Bill is letting me sit in on the interviews of the candidates for my position. I didn't think that he would, so that was a pleasant surprise. It'll be interesting to see what it's like from a non-threatening point of view.
I'm writing a poem to read to everyone on my last day and it's shaping up to be pretty cute. For some reason it seems to just be flowing out of me, with some help finding rhyming words on the internet. I hope they laugh and appreciate it. I'm still trying to find a nice gift to give to Bill, Mollie, Cheree, and Joseph, but I just can't come up with anything. I'm thinking a nice bookmark, but everything I've come across is cheesy or really expensive. We'll see if I can come up with something.

(As a side note, I really need to master the spacing on this blog. It drives me crazy. No matter what I do, it turns out funky and it's especially weird if I try to post pictures. I've done some research and it seems as though it's a Blogger issue, which is totally annoying. I wish that they would fix it because some of us like our blogs to look presentable!)


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