I'm trying to decipher why I'm feeling nervous right now, but I've been having trouble pinpointing it. I've been wondering if it's because the time is getting nearer, but I really don't think that's it. I'm more excited than anything. Prior to today, I think I was nervous because I'm not 100% sure what the work I'll be doing at Cambridge will be like. However, this morning I talked to John, my supervisor, on the phone and essentially we just chatted again about things I already knew, but it was good to actually hear them from a human, rather from an email. I feel good about it now. About going to England, I was also wondering if my nervousness was because of the flight--but up until I was wondering that, I had never before considered that I was nervous about it. Again, I get more excited than nervous about such things.

I've also considered that it might be because I have this paper due tomorrow, but that can't possibly be it because it's a short paper and not all that serious of an assignment. However, my grade is just on the brink of being an A--I suppose that could be it. I'm sort of in the same situation with my other class, but I've petitioned to Dr. Phyllis to give me an extra two points so that I can have an A.

Anyhow, those are really the only major things I have going on right now and none of them are really cause for concern. Maybe it's just general excitement which I'm taking to be nervousness. *shrug*


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