Yesterday I went and saw a movie with my friend, Julie, that I have been eagerly anticipating for months--Eat Pray Love. Though I was excited to see how they would adapt it from the book and enjoyed it for this reason, I have to say that, overall, I was fairly disappointed. Tons of things were left out. The story was changed at the end and, although it wasn't all that drastic of a change, I was annoyed that they did it just so that it was like a typical movie plot. I don't think the characters were explored as deeply as they should have been and I felt no real connection to them because of this. The first ten minutes of the film were narrated, while the rest of it wasn't and probably could've been better if it was. Surprisingly, I don't think Julia Roberts was a good choice to play Liz, though I do think she's a good actress. The movie felt long even though they didn't include things they should have. Overall, it felt very "Hollywood," probably because it is. I just don't think that it did the book justice. Bummer.

I spent probably 5 hours or more this weekend choosing photos to go into a "UK Trip" album. Our family friend, Pam, gave me a cd with the pictures she took, so I spent a good amount of time looking at her photos and deciding if I wanted to print any of them. I now have about 600 pictures from the two weeks, but I'm only going to fill a 300 photo album with the best ones. It's been hard to pick--a lot of the scenery pictures are just so amazing, even though they sometimes look similar. I'm still deciding if I want to do a scrapbook for my time in Cambridge. I kept extra stuff like brochures and ticket stubs in case I wanted to do that, and all of that would make a really cool scrapbook. It's a shame that it's so expensive and time consuming to make one. Perhaps if I had a ton of extra money and time, I would be more excited about doing it, because I really do love it. We'll see.

My time off between classes has, surprisingly, lasted quite a long time. I have one week left of "freedom," which right now means only working. Now that class is getting nearer, I'm actually kind of dreading it. Because I know how busy I'm going to be, I'm just not looking forward to also having a lot of homework to do. My two goals before the end of summer are to finish World Without End and to put together the trip album. Not sure if I'm going to finish that book. I have so many other books that I want to read for fun, but it's just not happening until I'm done with grad school, I think.


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