My second favorite time of year (after the 4th of July and tied with Christmas) is finally here... fall! I've been burning my favorite candle (Fall Festival from Yankee) up until this morning when I sadly realized that the wick was too short to burn anymore even though there was wax left in the jar. I quickly went to the Yankee Candle store to replace it, only to find out that the scent has been discontinued! I had figured as much, since I had bought the candle probably four years ago. After deliberation, I went with Vanilla Pumpkin, which is similar but not quite the same. It'll do! I bought the tumbler size (which has two wicks) instead of a jar and it seems to be burning more evenly, so hopefully I won't have the issue that I came across this morning.

This weekend I am reading roughly 380 pages (an entire book) for class on Monday. The book is actually good and interesting, which is helpful... but 380 pages?! The book is called Hope in the Unseen and is about a young African American man's "journey from the inner city to the Ivy League." I think since being a sociology major I have come to appreciate the struggles of those in poverty, but until reading this book I had no clue how difficult life can be in the ghetto. I fell asleep the other night thinking about how lucky I am that I have never felt unsafe living here. I'm not sure if I've ever felt truly unsafe at all. It's amazing what we can take for granted.

I also like the book because I'm just interested in African American/Black culture, in general. I think I've been this way for awhile, but since working at Advocate BroMenn and being able to candidly discuss with Joseph some of his struggles/opinions/attitudes/journey, I've been particularly intrigued about it. I think someday when I'm not in grad school anymore and have time to just take classes for fun, African American history and/or lit will be one that I take. Others will be Greek mythology and English history.

School is still going well. Busyness is my middle name. I'm not feeling as excited about advising at Heartland. I think it's because I've had no real orientation yet and still feel as though I'm floating around aimlessly, just generally bugging people who work there instead of helping them. I really hope that this feeling subsides by the end of this semester because as of right now, I'm really disheartened about it. 

I think disheartened is an overall feeling, actually. Last night I was looking at jobs on and I was getting really scared. There were no jobs listed in this area that I would be interested in or even qualified for. The pool seems really small. After being away this summer I think I talked myself into staying in the area, but when I look at prospects, I'm not even sure if that'll be possible. What if I have to move away? I don't want to be 27 years old and flailing. It's a really scary spot to be in, but I'm trying not to think about it too much yet.


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