Well, you'll notice that I have a new background. I've been looking for awhile for a new one and I couldn't find one that I just loved. (We all know how picky I am about such things.) I started looking again today and found two websites that had tons that I liked... so many, in fact, that it was hard to pick one. This is rare, so I knew I had to actually change these up on here. (I had the cloud/plane background since I started writing in April 2009.) So I got this one from Hot Bliggity Blog. The other website that had tons of cute ones was The Cutest Blog on the Block, in case you're interested.

This weekend has been fun. Friday night Philip and I went to the season opener for the Prairie Thunder. It was a good game; they won. Last night was my dad's annual wiener roast, which is always fun. Lots of family and family friends--lots of talking about what's going on with me. Today was my dad's birthday, so we had dinner at Busy Corner and ate cake. I was happy to be around my family this weekend. I miss my brother, though. I probably gained 5 pounds or more over the past few days. No joke.

It's a good thing I didn't have much homework this weekend otherwise I would've been really behind. I do have a lot of reading that I need to work on, but I'm just not overly worried about it. I'm finding that what I'm doing to prepare for class has been enough, so I'm over fretting about really knowing the material.

So another week will commence tomorrow. I can't believe that it's been a year since I started sending emails to colleges/universities in England. I can't believe that in a week it'll be November. In a month it'll be Thanksgiving!


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