Christmas is over. I can't believe it! Everything just happens too quickly. Interestingly, though, it also feels like it was a million years ago.

I had a really fun couple of days. Philip and I did Christmas the same as normal, even though we weren't sure if it was going to work out. So I went to Hanna City for Christmas Eve. His family did things a little differently this year and their festivities were on that night. It was fun; his nieces opened their presents and we played some games and played out in the freshly fallen snow. Woke up Christmas morning at the Bourque's and opened presents with his parents, then made the drive home to get ready to go to my aunt's in Towanda. Ate good food there, opened tons of gifts (too many), made a pit stop at my cousin's house to see his new puppy and Wii, and then came back here to have our (me and Philip's) Christmas together. I got so much stuff; it was ridiculous. I am truly spoiled... especially by my boyfriend who got me a LCD flat screen tv! My dad helped me set it up last night--pretty exciting! :)

Yesterday I had lunch with the group from high school, minus Nicole. We always try to get together when everyone is in town and it's so fun to see those girls and catch up. I had gotten each of them a copy of our winterguard performances on dvd, and they seemed really excited about it.

So now I'm writing thank you notes. I have no plans at all for the rest of the week. None. (Well, besides New Year's.) Today I'm going to sit on the couch and continuing watching the third season of The Tudors on my new tv. And that's it! Maybe I'll do some cleaning and/or errand shopping too. Ya know... nothing too serious.

I am lucky to have this much time off and it'll be nice working at a college or university because of that. It never feels like enough, though, does it?

So overall, an awesome Christmas! I love my family and friends, and am grateful to spend so much time with them at the holidays. :)


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