My Best Year Yet

"May this be a year that I love to live.
Have fun, achieve, have much to give,
Pursue, attain, forgive, forget.
In short, may it be my best year yet."
- Russell A. Kemp

Dr. Phyllis put this up at the beginning of our first capstone class on Wednesday. I thought it was nice way to start the semester, especially since many of the things that we talked about during class were/are very stress-inducing (resumes, cover letters, job searching, interviews). In some ways I do think that 2011 will be one of my best yet... but last year will be quite hard to beat!

I'm feeling overwhelmed with all of the stuff I have to do and I can't believe I feel this way this early in the semester. Sometimes I think my feelings of overwhelmption come from being around others who are also overwhelmed. Perhaps the collective stress just weighs us down and gets to all of us even more. I think this semester is going to be particularly hard due to the added pressure of freaking job searching. Ugh.

I have a lot to look forward to, but there is also a lot to get through before those things come to pass. I will survive. I will survive.


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