It's really sad that I'm annoyed on several levels with something that I should be excited about.

In semi-related news, I think I should stop talking. Or at least think a little harder before I tell anyone anything. Sometimes I think I blab a lot of stuff to people I feel comfortable with when it might not be something that person needs to know. It's quite disappointing to me that I can't just blab whatever I want to people I'm comfortable with (I mean, they are family and friends, for Pete's sake), but that's the way things are these days.

In really good, awesome, spectacular news, I have a campus interview at Heartland on Monday. I've been debating on whether to write about my job search in my blog and I've decided that I'm just going to do what I want. Ironic, since I just said that I shouldn't blab things. This isn't really blabbing, though; I mean, I could go into much further detail about it, but I won't.


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