Sigh. I'm so ready for this time in my life to be over. I'm ready to work again full-time. I'm ready to have a normal schedule. I'm ready to have time in the evenings to do things that I like and not feel guilty about doing them--like working out and reading books for fun. I'm ready to move in with Philip. I'm ready to get engaged and married. I'm ready to go on vacation. I'm ready to learn how to cook and have time to do it. I am so looking forward to the future and I just want it all to start as soon as possible!!!

Graduation is in eight weeks! It'll go very quickly. Especially from how fast the first half of this semester has gone, I know that the rest of it will fly by. I'm going to try my hardest to not wish it away and live the last two months of grad school like I should... but it'll be really hard to not count down the days.


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