Good things are a'brewin'.

Yesterday was my last day at Heartland for practicum. Inbetween drop-ins with students, Cecilia, the Director of Advising, came in and asked me what I was doing this summer. Before I even began at Heartland, Cecilia had mentioned that there would be 30 hours available over the summer, but we hadn't talked about it in so long that I just figured a practicum student would be filling those hours. Cecilia essentially told me that I can stay through the summer and that there is a possibility that I could go full-time temporary, which would mean a one-year contract (with or without benefits; I'm not clear on this part). There is also the possibility of one or more advisor positions (possibly even 3-4) opening up within the next year, in which case I could apply and interview for the job I would be already doing. It's super confusing, but Cecilia will hopefully find out all of these things next week sometime. I got really excited about it as she was talking! I know it's not a sure thing that I would get a full-time with benefits position there, but it's nice to know that I can work as a temp over the summer, but also leave if another job comes up.

This basically happened with Cecilia at the perfect moment, as hours later I was heading to Mattoon for my second interview at Lake Land. It went alright, I think. I met with Emily, who is the Chair of Counseling and Judicial Affairs (who would be my supervisor) and the Vice President for Student Services, Dr. Tina Stovall. I am bad at tooting my own horn and I feel like I have to be honest if I don't have experience in something or don't have a good answer; I'm not a good bullshitter and don't think that I should bullshit people, anyway, even if I could. I'm sure this will count against me, though I think they liked me and were happy with most of my answers. It's always hard to tell, but I don't think I'll be offered the position. But anyway, I like the position and the college--I think they have a lot going for them and I would love to be a part of their team. I should find out "the early part of next week" if I'm chosen or not.

On the way down to Mattoon, I was talking myself into saying no to Lake Land even if they offered it to me, because of the conversation I had just had with Cecilia about staying at Heartland. The ideal situation is to stay in Bloomington-Normal. However, I learned that the salary at Lake Land would be higher--considerably higher--than an advising position at Heartland, even if I'm full-time with benefits. Not that salary is everything--but it does make a difference! Both positions are great and I would be really, really happy in either of them. But if Lake Land is offered and guarunteed with benefits, I will take that position instead of staying in town to work at Heartland with the possibility of getting chosen for a full-time with benefits position. On top of all of this, my supervisor at the Accommodations Office is now looking for something different and has told me several times that I would be the ideal candidate if he leaves. So there's that, too... but who knows when Brady might get offered another position and move on.

That's the scoop right now. Things are feeling good and I have a lot to be thankful for and excited about. One paper left to write and one more class to attend. I have a job at least through the summer and other prospects, as well. I will probably be able to have a little vacation with my boyfriend at some point in the next couple months. I am happy!

So... Royal Wedding. I was trying really hard to not care, but how can I not care?! I mean, I'm obsessed with all things England and it's a wedding. These things only happen every so often and even more rare are weddings of this magnitude. I forced Philip to watch it last night with me, DVR'd, after we got back from Mattoon. I fast forwarded much of it and definitely could've gone without all of the ridiculous commentary. ("Oh... They're smiling at each other!") I just like to look at the clothes and imagine what it must be like to be there. Here were my two favorite things; I will then refrain from talking about every detail.

I am generally not a fan of tiaras, but this is beautiful up close. I usually think brides go overboard with accessories and I probably would've chosen smaller earrings, especially with so much lace... but whatevs.

I love lily of the valley and if I get married, I'll probably have it in my bouquet. It reminds me of my mom--it was one of her favorite flowers. They also smell really good and are just dainty and cute.

Oh... and I was so excited to hear that Prince William and Catherine are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Yay--Cambridge!


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