Monday's List (Day 14):
What I Love About Philip

So many things, but I will limit myself to 10. This is an easy list to come up with! These things are going to get a little sappy, so brace yourself.

I love that he's a hard worker.
I love that his eyes get crinkley and his dimples come out when he smiles.
I love that he is proud of me and of our relationship.
I love his strong shoulders and back.
I love that he always wants to spend time with me and never gets tired of me. (Not yet, at least. Or he's good at hiding it.)
I love that we have a lot of the same morals, values, and viewpoints.
I love that he has style.
I love that he loves me!
I love that he is just a straight-up, good guy.
I love that he's my best friend and my partner in crime. :)

Yesterday's List (Day 15):
Shopping List

Welp, I'm housesitting, so lately I've been eating their food and getting take-out quite a bit. Today I thought to myself that I do need to buy some sort of fruit (grapes, apples, bananas) to take to work with me so I have something to snack on since my lunch is always so late. I probably do need to buy some frozen dinners so that I stop spending so much money on restaurant food.

Today's List (Day 16):
Places to See in My Town

Blo-No isn't that exciting of a city. If I had guests from out of town that had never been here, I honestly don't know what I would show them. I guess maybe ISU's campus? Lake Bloomington? Miller Park Zoo? If they were here this weekend, I'd take them to the Sugar Creek Arts Festival. It's pretty boring here. I hope my English mum and dad never want to come here, because they'll be disappointed. Haha! 


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