I'm so behind on lists because of all the engagement excitement!

Friday's List (Day 23):
If I Won the Lottery, I'd...

1. Buy a house
2. Buy a car (a new, white Mini Cooper)
3. Pay off Philip's debt
4. Buy Philip the car of his dreams
5. Have a huge, beautiful wedding!
6. Go on an extravagant honeymoon
7. Open up a hockey shop that Philip could manage
8. Probably quit my job, but maybe not
9. Travel the world
10. Buy everyone that I know all sorts of stuff and donate a whole bunch to charity

Saturday's List (Day 24):
Things I Like To Do When I'm Sick

I don't often get sick. It's very rare. But I guess when I do, all I like to do is stay in my pjs, cuddle up on the couch with a blankie, watch tv that I don't get to watch during the day, and drink tea.

Yesterday's List (Day 25):
Things To Do Before My Next Birthday

1. Enjoy being engaged
2. All sorts of wedding planning!
3. Work work work

Today's List (Day 26):
Today's To Do List

1. Work
2. Go tanning possibly
3. Watch Jane Eyre (It's been waiting for me from Netflix all weekend)
4. Look at my engagement ring
5. Think about getting married


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