It probably should've never been suggested to me that I might think about getting a new car. At first, I never considered it, but now I'm thinking about it more and more.

Initially the idea was silly to me--my little '98 Cavalier is doing just fine for the most part and she only has about 75k miles. This past year, though, she's been in the shop three times. The idea of possibly making a commute from Morton or Deer Creek every day with a car that might not be all that reliable scares me. So... there's the whole safety issue. The other part of me also just likes the idea of having something new. I've driven that car for 10 years. Is it time for something different?

The payment thing definitely freaks me out a bit. Moving in with Philip will undoubtedly have unforeseen costs. Can I afford a car payment on top of it? I've done a little bit of number crunching and I feel like I'd be okay. The car won't be brand new (I'm currently looking at 2005-2009). The thing that gets me is the mileage on these cars. Easily a 2005 model could have like 80k miles on it.

Anyway... I've been looking on craigslist just to see what's out there and there are two cars right now that I actually reeeally want.

I love both of these and would be happy with either. I think I might talk to my dad soon about seriously looking at them, if they're still available. My dad worked on cars for a living for 30+ years; he knows a ton and his opinion will be important to me when purchasing a car.


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