Motherless Daughters was pretty much all I had hoped it would be. There were several quotes in there that hit me in my gut, that made me feel as though I'm not alone in this life that has been forever changed because my mother died when I was 19. Sometimes I feel a little crazy because of it--like I'm reacting wrong or just plain overreacting--because I have no one in my life that truly understands what it's been like for me. (I'm not trying to be dramatic about this; it is just a fact of who I am. There is no other component of my person or my personality that is as pervasive to who I am as the fact that I am a motherless daughter. It enters into every part of my life, pretty much every day.) It's made me feel better about my experiences as a motherless daughter and about my future as one. I might have to buy this book and keep it with me throughout my life. I'm grateful that I ran across it when I did, since I'm having such a hard time right now without my mom being here for my wedding planning.

I have three new books via the Heartland library that are waiting to be read over break. Something Blue by Emily Griffin is one of those guilty pleasure types of books. I'm not really sure how good it's going to be, but perhaps it'll be somewhat entertaining. I think this book was made into a movie? Starring (the dreadful) Kate Hudson? Not sure about that, though. I started it last night and it's been tolerable so far, so we'll see. If I like it, there are plenty more where it came from. I also have The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which I've been waiting for for a couple of months, and a Ken Follett book called Fall of Giants, which is about WWII. It doesn't sound too much like my cup of tea, but Ken Follett wrote the books about cathedral building that I loved, so I'll give it a go. I am seriously in love with the Heartland library and all the cool things that it does. There's a "favorites" function on the website, so whenever I come across a book that I might want to read, I put it in my favorites! And then I can go back to it later, because I always forget the books that I want to read! Genius.

We are sort of on the homestretch for work days. Three more! And then 10 days off! Whoop! I have a little bit of shopping left to do, but not much. I feel as though this is a little last minute, which is so unlike me. It'll all get done, though!


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