Today's List (Day 14):
Tools and Toys To Try
I'm not a big gadget person, so this one's going to be very uncreative. And short. My apologies.
- A phone with just a touch screen? I like phones, but I don't really use them. I am impressed when people have cool phones, because cool phones make you a cool person. I am a person that doesn't need a cool phone because I don't talk to or feel a need to be connected to other people or the world at-large at all times. This makes me an uncool person. Anyway, in this day and age, cool phones (and cool people) are synonymous with phones that only have a touch screen. You know... iPhones and Androids and things of that nature. It is nearly impossible to find a "cool" phone that has real buttons and I like real buttons. Again, I am just proving to you how uncool I am. I'm also letting the cat out of the bag about how old I am getting. I'm fearful that I may have to jump into the pool of touch screen-exclusive phones in the near future, though, because real button phones will no longer exist. This will more than likely happen by November 2012 because my contract is up in December 2012.
- A Wii or some other videogaming device: I'm also not into videogames at all, particularly the kind that are so super 3D that they're really like 15D and make me all disoriented. The extent of my videogame playing is Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Super Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, Kirby's Pinball, etc. However, I think a Wii would be something fun for me and Philip to do when we live together and I've played on a Wii for about 15 minutes and it seemed kinda fun.
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