Wedding Wednesday!
  • I got the right color of pocketfolds in the mail, so I can start DIYing the invitations. I started to, but realized I needed to change something in the wording, so I'm glad I caught that before I printed all 65 of them.
  • I did a little crafting this past weekend. I made a few pomander balls, which will jazz up the chapel by adding some color and interest. I also strung some beads and pearls; I'm maybe going to try to make my own hairpiece, but we'll see!
  • I made an appointment to talk to I Do Events in Washington next Tuesday. I wish I could afford for them to pimp out the entire chapel and reception venue, but obvs that's not going to happen. I'm going to see what they can do within my budget in terms of centerpieces for the tables at the reception. 
That's it for now. 122 Days Until Our Wedding!


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