I think perhaps the most beautiful compliment one could receive would be the following: "You have a wonderful mind."

Tonight I watched the movie Sylvia, which is about the author Sylvia Plath. I like movies about individuals who once lived because I love history. Also, one of my favorite movies is The Hours and I thought this movie might remind me of it and it kinda did. Sylvia Plath had a little mental illness like Virgnia Woolf did and she also committed suicide. Sometimes wonderful minds have a hard time living, it seems.

I also love watching movies about creative people because it makes me wish I was creative. I think deep down I might like poetry, even though I don't understand it. I took a poetry class in college and enjoyed it; I took a creative writing class in college and enjoyed it very little. So I guess the moral of this story is that I can appreciate creativeness, but I can't harness it myself. Seems about right.

Oh and the movie had my attention within the first 15 minutes because Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes were punting on the River Cam with Clare College and King's College in the background. My heart was happy.

... I've been there. (Oh and that's in Cambridge, for those just tuning into my obsession with England.)


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