The Kitchen

The kitchen was deee-sgusting when we moved in. The fridge was the first thing I started cleaning when the house become ours and it took me like 2 hours to get it livable. And then I wiped down the cabinets, which didn't even really help because they are just so grease covered. We think they must be original (which means they are from 1969).

Unfortunately I don't have any before pictures of the kitchen (what the heck?!). It's like the one room that I missed, I guess! I think maybe I didn't take before pics because the cabinets are still the same and they'll be the same for probably years. If we ever get new ones, the kitchen will be so much better. But here's a pic of us before we painted in there, though!

It's a door knocker with our last name on it (thanks, Joy and
Phil!) and a giant "new home" cookie (thanks, Aunt Peggy)!

In December, we decided to paint the kitchen. We had friends coming in from Florida and so we thought it would be awesome to have it repainted and fresh when they came. It took us all weekend, but we got it done! We knew we wanted a red kitchen. It was scary putting red paint on olive green walls--it looked like blood initially! I was also scared that it would be too red, but it's actually like the perfect shade! We love it.

This picture makes it look pretty red
because of the flash on my camera.

The soffit above the cabinets was also olive green. The tan we
used matched the backsplash perfectly, so we got lucky with that!

Have you ever seen cabinets that are ombre in color
with the handles in the middle? Let's just call it "eclectic"...

I've thought about just painting the cabinets in the meantime until we can afford new ones, but I think that the paint wouldn't even stick to them because of the grease/grim! We're used to them for now. It's just awesome to have a kitchen this size!

I'd also like to note that I spent hours and hours cleaning the grout in the kitchen. It was black when we moved in and is now back to its original tan color. *high five to self*


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