Life is so much better when you don't have to think about giving a presentation. I don't know why, but the older I get the more scared I become of speaking in public. The nerves started over a week ago and the past two nights I literally could not sleep because I was going over it in my head again and again. I think all day yesterday and today my heart rate was not normal. By the end of the day today my hands were already sweaty in anticipation and I swear while sitting in class waiting for my turn you could see my heart beat on my chest from across the room. The thing is, once I get going... I actually kind of like it. It's just mulling over it and waiting for it that gets me. I have been repeatedly taking deep breaths of relief since it's been over. Thank. God!

In other news, I have one paper due tomorrow which is 95% done and another due on Friday which is still in the outline stage. I'm not sure how I can get 10 pages out of a philosophy, but I will try my hardest. And then on Friday I will relax... I will relax very hard.


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