It is so amazing to me how much better my mood is when the temperatures are warmer and the sun is shining through just a bit.
I've been in this weird funk for the past few days. I think it's been a combination of subconscious sadness from the anniversary of Mom's death (6 years), the realization that I have homework over spring break, my resistance to doing that homework, my annoyance with myself for having that resistance, slight PMSing, and other factors.
But this morning... ahh--this morning! This morning I walk out the door and it's practically warm enough to not be wearing a coat! A jacket, maybe. And this automatically put me in a better mood. I was even able to walk in to the building from the parking lot and not be uncomfortable. Spectacular. And it might get even better as the week progresses. I heard something about a high of 63! Perhaps spring will really come this year after all.
I'm pretty excited because last night I discovered that iTunes has a ton of different podcasts that you can subscribe to for free. I think I always knew about podcasts, but never thought about finding out more about them. I subscribed to BBC Global News just so that I can hear people talk with British accents every day. I tried out the Learn French one, just to see what it would be like and promptly deleted it.
And then I found YOGAmazing, so I did yoga last night for the first time in forever. I'm not sure how much I like the teacher on this podcast, but I'll try it out for a few more sessions. It's unbelievable how much better your body feels after doing yoga. It's practically indescribable how different you feel. In my opinion, anyway. I fell asleep last night feeling energized but relaxed, loose in body but strong in mind. I've missed it.
I've been in this weird funk for the past few days. I think it's been a combination of subconscious sadness from the anniversary of Mom's death (6 years), the realization that I have homework over spring break, my resistance to doing that homework, my annoyance with myself for having that resistance, slight PMSing, and other factors.
But this morning... ahh--this morning! This morning I walk out the door and it's practically warm enough to not be wearing a coat! A jacket, maybe. And this automatically put me in a better mood. I was even able to walk in to the building from the parking lot and not be uncomfortable. Spectacular. And it might get even better as the week progresses. I heard something about a high of 63! Perhaps spring will really come this year after all.
I'm pretty excited because last night I discovered that iTunes has a ton of different podcasts that you can subscribe to for free. I think I always knew about podcasts, but never thought about finding out more about them. I subscribed to BBC Global News just so that I can hear people talk with British accents every day. I tried out the Learn French one, just to see what it would be like and promptly deleted it.
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