Today's List (Day 13):
DIYs I Want to Try

I guess my answers have been kind of lame lately, but I'm honestly not really a DIY type of person. I suppose I might be someday when I'm bored and feel the need to work on a project for fun or if I have wedding-related things that I feel I could create cheaper than I could buy. There are a lot of things on Pinterest that look fun and easy to do, but there's no reason for me to do those things right now and I really have no interest in doing them either. I'll get back to you on this one with a great answer!


Gosh, I hope tomorrow is fun. I just love the 4th of July and the past two years I've missed the festivities because I've been out of the country. (First world problems, right?) I've just really missed the fireworks and I'm looking forward to them!

I'm housesitting and animalsitting for the next three weeks for the Turner's. This is the longest period of time I've done this, so going into it I knew that I'd be ready to be home for good. It's kind of a pain in the butt having to stay overnight here and then go home to take care of my own kitty and get clothes for the next day and whatnot, but they pay me well, so I can't complain. I'm glad it was fairly nice tonight so that I could walk Oakley--I feel like he's happier when I walk him and it's nice to get some fresh air.

I said about four days ago that I thought I was done going to the mall, but I spent a lot of money there yesterday. I got some deals, though--namely I got two tops from the The Limited for less than $20! The Limited is pretty expensive, so I was pleased with myself. I've been bummed about my wardrobe lately, so I added a little pizzazz to it this weekend.

I never heard about an on-campus interview at Heartland, even though Cecilia told me on Thursday that they would be next week and that I would be invited for one. I'm sure it was just a scheduling issue because apparently the candidates are all meeting Dr. Goben, Heartland's President. This is more intense than I had anticipated, but if I have to meet Dr. Goben and not do some sort of presentation, I would much rather do that.


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