It seems like the worry about the future never ends. For months it was the practicum this summer. Now it's the assistantship for next year. I'm wondering if I worried too much about the practicum and have neglected the assistantship--my peers seem ahead of the game on this one. (Not that it's a competition, but it kinda is.)

I only have four GA positions that I'm interested in enough to even bother applying. In order from most interest to least interest: 1) Advising at Heartland--I should meet with Cecilia probably some time next week to discuss the possibility of being paid as an GA advisor there. She seemed sort of optimistic when I met with her in December and this would be the ideal situation for me. I cannot express how perfect it would be; it is exactly what I need experience-wise if I have any chance of getting an advising job in the future. 2) Advising Social Work majors at ISU--I'm not even sure if advising at ISU is possible at this point. They may be changing the "job description" so that only first year CSPA students can do it/apply. Even if I can apply, I'll still have the competition of other CSPA students who are interested. I should hear fairly quickly from the office if I'm even able to interview for it. 3) Career Center--Not my first choice because I really need experience advising to get a job. However, I am interested in the Career Center (resume critique, mock interviews, job fairs) and I think I would be good at it. Maybe I'd like working in a Career Center in the future... who knows? I'll probably go ahead and submit my application for this one just in case. 4) Visor Center--Again, not my first choice but it might be sort of related to advising in some way since the position I want relates to tutoring services. I know already that I'll have a lot of competition with my peers for this one.

I just really hope that Cecilia has some good news for me about payment. I mean... $800-850 a month for 80 hours of work is not that much to pay a part-time advisor. If they really need the help it seems as though they'd be jumping at the chance. Any other position besides this one I'm concerned about getting since I really have no student affairs experience at all and anyone applying for it will be better suited in many ways than me. This is continuing to be such a frustrating thing for me--in some ways I wish that I would've just gone to grad school full-time from the start. I really do wonder if this will bite me in the butt in the future. I mean, the experience I have now is helpful in some ways but I just feel so unqualified next to my peers in this program. It's depressing. I'll just be glad when this part is all squared away.


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