I really have to force myself to remember that we're fighting the same battle. What is that battle, you ask? The battle is going against whatever standard society has set up for us as women. Because no matter what we choose, it's not right.

Here are the three fantastic choices and common reactions to each:
1) No marriage, no kids, career. Selfish!2) Marriage, kids, no career. Generations of women before you fought hard so that you wouldn't have to be barefoot and pregnant! So why aren't you working?!3) Marriage, kids, career. Why aren't you staying home with your kids?!
Unfortunately, we all have to pick one option and someone is always going to tell you that you've chosen the wrong one. We're all working hard and making the best of what choice we've made.
I have to note one thing, though. I'm not sure how productive it is for us to denigrate the choices of other women and say that one job or choice is harder than the other. So someone telling you that what you chose is not the right thing is the same as you saying that what you chose is harder than what she chose. Let's all remember that. Myself included.


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