A few things I've noticed since I've not been working and waiting for my adventure to begin:
1) Even though I'm getting more sleep and wear my contacts fewer hours because of this, my eyes are hurting more and seem to be more tired and bloodshot.
2) Even though I'm trying to snuggle my cat as much as possible, she generally wants nothing to do with me. Sometimes she's like this, but I think she's had this attitude more lately than normal. It might be because the luggage has been out and she knows I'm leaving and is mad at me. :/
3) I'm feeling slightly unorganized about leaving but am noticing that I don't really care that much. This is strange for me because usually I'm 100% OCD and worrisome about situations such as these. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, as I don't want to be caught off-guard or unprepared. I guess if I am, it'll be a learning experience.
Three days from right now I will be flying to London.
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