Remember sunbursts? I did one last night. I must really need some therapy/escape from thinking right now. I had my Crayola markers out from using them on a project for class over the weekend. I noticed them on my desk, took them out of the package, chose colors, grabbed a sheet of paper, and just did this for 20 minutes last night without even thinking about it. It turned out neat, I think.

Tonight I reluctantly attended a meeting for the Deaf Redbirds Association, a student organization at ISU. I have to "immerse" myself in the culture and really get to know the student group for one of my classes this semester. I chose DRA because I know nothing about the deaf culture and thought it might be important since I work in Disability Concerns. Plus, it interests me. I totally was overthinking this meeting... naturally. I was really worried that I would have to introduce myself, which would obviously prove difficult since I don't know ASL. It was not what I had anticipated at all. First of all, there were easily over 50 students there. I was expecting a small group of maybe... 12 tops. Very little sign language was used. It was mostly informational, though there was a short activity at the end, which most students skipped by just leaving the room. I'm actually pretty excited about it now because it seems like there are a lot of activities that I can attend and observe. The group teaches sign language every Tuesday and Thursday, so that'll be a good opportunity to learn the language while also engaging with students in the group in a smaller setting. So that went well.

Other than that, I feel like I'm starting to really get the hang of everything in the Accommodations Office, which is a good feeling. Logistically I'm getting more access to advisor-related things at HCC, though I have a lot more to learn in order to reach "comfortable" status there. Classes are going well; homework and prep work for class are unrelenting, as usual. I like grad school and it's a lot of good learning, but I'm just exhausted.


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