An update on the binder situation: I got an email back from Carrie (house mom in Cambridge), who I had left the binder with and who was going to take it to the DRC to see it off from the post. She apologized profusely about it, which made me feel bad because it wasn't her fault at all. She admitted that sometimes people in the DRC are "awkward, especially [insert name of individual who I suspect purposefully did this],"which I believe means that the only person who is awkward is that person.. Anywho... she thinks that I should email John (supervisor at Cambridge) and explain what happened, but I'm kind of over it at this point and realize that not much can be done. I think Carrie is going to try to gather the bits that were missing and perhaps find the actual binder and send it to me. That would be nice, but I'm not getting my hopes up about it. Oh well.

I just started reading the book Traveling with Pomegranates last night because I received it in the mail yesterday. I've been waiting for it for a long time--I wanted the paperback version and pre-ordered it probably six months ago. The author is Sue Monk Kidd, who is best known for her book The Secret Life of Bees, but I was introduced to her by my old colleague Mollie through the book The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, which basically is a memoir cataloging Sue's journey from being a conventional Christian to finding her own feminine spirituality. It was really interesting and empowering, so I had to get this new book when it came out. I'm excited to see what it's really about--all I know is it includes traveling and self-discovery, both of which I thoroughly enjoy. I'm so amazed by this author's ability to see connections in her life to significant events in her past or metaphors or religious imagery.

Do you ever wish that you had someone in your life that you could tell everything to, especially when you feel as though there is something bottled up inside of you that you really need to get out? I have people in my life that I can talk to about mostly anything, but not everything. I've been having days like what I just described and what I want to tell is nothing good or bad, it's just something that no one would understand. So I've been carrying that with me lately and it's just putting me in a weird mood. 


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