
Showing posts from November, 2010
Couple of things. 1) My job at Advocate BroMenn has opened up again. I'm very confused by this revelation, since I only left in April. The person who replaced me was quite clear that they wanted to stay until they retired. I hope everything's okay with that person--but I really want to know what happened! Part of me wants to contact Bill and see if he'd give me the scoop, but I know better than that. My heart is hurting a little, just because I loved that job and I miss it. It would be silly to go back, after having left to finish graduate school. Sigh... 2) I received an *almost* perfect score on my ethnography paper on the culture of the Deaf Redbirds Association and deaf culture, along with an offer from Dr. Phyllis to help me pursue getting it published. I wasn't expecting this at all and I'm not sure if I totally agree that it's publish-worthy, but it's quite flattering to be told that from the prof. There's no reason why I wouldn't want t...
I got an email yesterday from John Harding, who was my supervisor at Cambridge. He wanted to update me on where the project I worked on has been going lately. Today he presented it to a committee and he's gotten word that the University of Cambridge has been talking about adding a  £ 40,000 budget for international disabled students' needs. Though this is directly related to the work I did, it's not because of my project that this happened. It's still really cool, though, to see that things are happening with it already. If that budget is approved, it'll happen next academic year and I totally didn't think it would move that quickly. Awesome news! I know I've said this a hundred/million times, but I can't believe that I was in Cambridge and I did that. I can't believe that I can look at the picture above (King's College Chapel) and tell you exactly where I sat on the green space next to the river at "Singing on the River." I can...
Well, I got talked into staying with T-Mobile. I went up to the little kiosk in the mall last night and asked them when my contract was up so that I could cancel it. They asked me all sorts of questions about why I wanted to cancel (everyone I really talk to is on AT&T; there were no phones that I wanted that T-Mobile carried; I didn't want to spend a fortune per month paying for a data plan, etc.). So anyway, I got all of my questions answered and decided that it was better for me to keep the plan that I had. I've been with T-Mobile for four years and I've never had a problem with them. I really like them, actually. I got a BlackBerry for $30 (really $80, but with a $50 rebate) and I can try the $15 data plan for a month without paying for it, at which point I can cancel it if I don't want it. The guy looked into a lot of things for me and was really helpful--he even gave me a free case for my phone. It's the little things, ya know? So my phone's prett...
The worry stone that I got in Ireland is missing. (Looks quite a bit like the photo above.) It's green marble--the kind that's famous in Ireland. I know that I brought it home because I distinctly remember unpacking it. I'm pretty sure that I even remember taking it out of its packaging. I've searched everywhere for it. I thought that I put it on one of my bookshelves; I also thought that maybe Chloe had found it and batted it around a bit. (I still need to check the registers and under the couch to see if she's the culprit.) I've checked everywhere else and just haven't been able to find it. I don't know where else it could be! I'll be really bummed if I've lost it... that was one of the only things I got from Ireland and it was just so pretty. Hopefully it'll turn up. Random, I know, but I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now.
Oh, Mr. Salkind. You're wrong. I really do hate statistics. It just took me over three hours to complete eight problems out of this book. I had anticipated that it would take awhile and I had just been putting it off for about three weeks now. But now it's done. Well... about 95% done. This weekend has been the first where I've really felt like I was in graduate school this semester and where it felt like my job was to be a student. I spent the better part of today and yesterday at the library, just trying to crank out these major assignments that are due this week. A 15 page paper is behind me, with only a final read-through and printing to be done. It really feels like the end of the semester or the end of the year, but alas, I'm not quite there. Thanksgiving is next week, but unfortunately, break is never really a break. I have one group project, one group presentation, one final paper, one final exam, and one small(ish) research presentation to complete in...
I always say that I don't generally like country music, but I just seem to like Carrie Underwood. I think she's so talented and I never can find a part that I don't like in songs that she writes. She also just seems nice and down-to-earth; she's also beautiful and has good style. So anyway... I've been listening to this song all day and crying the whole time, for many obvious reasons. Enjoy.
Today was basically ridiculous for crazy people at Heartland. Okay... not crazy. Rude? Yes. I mean, the number of crazies wasn't that high (about three that I actually dealt with), but this is still way more than normal. (Normal being none. Today I apparently picked up all of the #2 and #3 callers.) I guess it's just getting to be that time of the semester when people are freaking out, but what gets me is that it seems as though people want to generally always blame someone else for their issue when really it's possibly and probably their own fault. One woman literally yelled at me on the phone today. Really? Yelling at the person at the advising desk? I pretty much just disregarded her tantrum and treated her just as I would anyone else. I just cannot respond to someone who is belittling me. How did people ever learn that treating other people like that will get you ahead in life? I just don't get it.