Oh, Mr. Salkind. You're wrong. I really do hate statistics. It just took me over three hours to complete eight problems out of this book. I had anticipated that it would take awhile and I had just been putting it off for about three weeks now. But now it's done. Well... about 95% done.

This weekend has been the first where I've really felt like I was in graduate school this semester and where it felt like my job was to be a student. I spent the better part of today and yesterday at the library, just trying to crank out these major assignments that are due this week. A 15 page paper is behind me, with only a final read-through and printing to be done. It really feels like the end of the semester or the end of the year, but alas, I'm not quite there.

Thanksgiving is next week, but unfortunately, break is never really a break. I have one group project, one group presentation, one final paper, one final exam, and one small(ish) research presentation to complete in the next four weeks. And then the semester's done. Oh, and then I have to get through finals week at the Accommodations Office. And then I'll have a little while off.

I didn't get chosen to go on the Civil Rights Movement Trip in January. I'm kind of bummed about it because I wanted to experience the whole leadership thing from a "facilitator's" role. Plus, the content of the trip is just interesting and I know I would've grown as a person. Oh well. Instead I'll have a few more days over Christmas break to relax before the students come back.

I have three articles to read before class tomorrow, but I think for right now I'm going to put my feet  up and watch a little boob tube before I dive into homework again. Hopefully there's something good on. Oh--I forgot it's Harry Potter weekend! Yay! I love me some Harry Potta'.


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