I am so completely over the snow. I'm over hearing about it and seeing pictures of it, I'm over walking through it and driving on top of it. I'm over having it fall from the sky. But alas, it's snowing right now and we're to get a few more inches today.

I knew that having those snow days would be a pain in the ass. Catching up at work on Thursday was overwhelming, but we got it under control eventually. I had to reschedule my mock interview from Wednesday to Friday. Oh, and my class that was supposed to meet on Wednesday will now meet on a Saturday or Sunday instead. Awesome. I guess I shouldn't complain. It was nice to have a few extra days off and I literally did nothing of value during those days. Tomorrow is three months until graduation.

I have officially applied for two positions--both of them are advising jobs at UNLV (one in Fine Arts and one in Engineering). I basically have no hope of an interview, but I thought I'd at least try. I'm qualified for them, yes, and I think I wrote fairly decent cover letters. I know I should probably have more confidence, but I'm also just really aware that I have a lot of competition. There's also a job at Heartland that I will apply for that I'm sure a third of my cohort is going to try for. And how can I possibly convey to Heartland folks how much more awesome I am than my cohortmates? It's just a hard and weird position to be in right now.


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