Today was basically ridiculous for crazy people at Heartland. Okay... not crazy. Rude? Yes. I mean, the number of crazies wasn't that high (about three that I actually dealt with), but this is still way more than normal. (Normal being none. Today I apparently picked up all of the #2 and #3 callers.) I guess it's just getting to be that time of the semester when people are freaking out, but what gets me is that it seems as though people want to generally always blame someone else for their issue when really it's possibly and probably their own fault. One woman literally yelled at me on the phone today. Really? Yelling at the person at the advising desk? I pretty much just disregarded her tantrum and treated her just as I would anyone else. I just cannot respond to someone who is belittling me. How did people ever learn that treating other people like that will get you ahead in life? I just don't get it.
So the situation with the parent has been, I guess, about 75% resolved. Cecilia did some investigating and it sounds like the whole thing was pretty much pointless (the student doesn't even need the class?!). I'm annoyed and frustrated because the mother took a completely different angle with Cecilia, which probably makes me look worse. Cecilia reassured me that I did fine and that I shouldn't worry about it. I still feel awful; that mother said some very hurtful things that will probably stick with me for awhile. I still feel like crying about the whole thing. I hate feeling incompetent, but the thing that's worse is that I'm worried that Cecilia doesn't think I'm a good advisor. She doesn't know me well enough to know that I care, that I listen, and that I'm patient and understanding. All she knows is what she hears from other people and, unfortunately, this parent probably had a lot of bad things to say about me, which really just came from a pl...
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