Today was basically ridiculous for crazy people at Heartland. Okay... not crazy. Rude? Yes. I mean, the number of crazies wasn't that high (about three that I actually dealt with), but this is still way more than normal. (Normal being none. Today I apparently picked up all of the #2 and #3 callers.) I guess it's just getting to be that time of the semester when people are freaking out, but what gets me is that it seems as though people want to generally always blame someone else for their issue when really it's possibly and probably their own fault. One woman literally yelled at me on the phone today. Really? Yelling at the person at the advising desk? I pretty much just disregarded her tantrum and treated her just as I would anyone else. I just cannot respond to someone who is belittling me. How did people ever learn that treating other people like that will get you ahead in life? I just don't get it.
Well, I found out for sure today that my supervisor at the Accommodations Office is not leaving. I'm not gonna lie... I'm pretty bummed about it. I had sort of decided that being here for the next few years would be perfect for me. I wasn't banking on the fact that he'd leave (after all, it wasn't a fact), but I just spent a lot of time thinking about what it would be like if he did and now that he's not... well... yeah, I'm just bummed. I'm glad that I asked, though, because now I can take my job search more seriously. Not that I wasn't taking it seriously before, but now I know that being at ISU in that capacity isn't an option anymore and I can put all of my energy into other things. There isn't much happening on the job front here, though. I've only applied for one job in the area; all of the others I've applied for are in Las Vegas and Denver. I think it would be cool to move away for a few years, but it's not ideal. I...
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