If I didn't learn anything else at Heartland tonight, I learned that I am one of over 150 applicants for the Program Assistant job. I have a .666% chance of getting that job. Those odds are practically laughable. No--they are laughable. I'm still curiously optimistic about it, though.
Showing posts from February, 2011
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Dream job in Mattoon, Illinois. Not sure if I'm fully qualified for it (or if, to start, I'd be comfortable with my own level of experience), but I'm going to apply anyway. Mattoon is like two hours away from here. I don't know. Like I've told my dad, it doesn't cost anything to apply for a job, so I might as well.
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Well, I found out for sure today that my supervisor at the Accommodations Office is not leaving. I'm not gonna lie... I'm pretty bummed about it. I had sort of decided that being here for the next few years would be perfect for me. I wasn't banking on the fact that he'd leave (after all, it wasn't a fact), but I just spent a lot of time thinking about what it would be like if he did and now that he's not... well... yeah, I'm just bummed. I'm glad that I asked, though, because now I can take my job search more seriously. Not that I wasn't taking it seriously before, but now I know that being at ISU in that capacity isn't an option anymore and I can put all of my energy into other things. There isn't much happening on the job front here, though. I've only applied for one job in the area; all of the others I've applied for are in Las Vegas and Denver. I think it would be cool to move away for a few years, but it's not ideal. I...
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I don't know... I just wanted to post this song. It's called "I Am" by the band Further Seems Forever. It reminds me of the summer before I met Philip. In fact, I talked about this album and song in one of my speeches during COM101--about how it could be about a significant other or about God/Jesus. Everything about it reminds me of how God might feel in relation to us. It could go so many ways. Like, people blame God for a lot of things in their lives. God can be good and God can be bad, depending upon where you're at in your life, your opinion at the time, or what you've decided about God. God could be a source of freedom or a source of restriction. God could be a source of life or a source of death or somewhere in between, perhaps a source of endurance. Maybe it's saying that God is all of these things at once, or none of these things. Despite all of this, God just wants a relationship with you--regardless of what you think or believe. I also think t...
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I'm stealing the bulk of this post from my friend and old chaplain colleague, Mark, who blogs regularly at Stick with Jesus . (He has a really great writing style and posts hilarious stories, by the way. You should check it out. Not all of his posts are super Jesus-y, if you're concerned about that.) Even though Valentine's Day was yesterday, these are things that I (and perhaps others) need to remember about love. Mark got these things, interestingly, from Wikipedia and I've added a few other things for good measure. 1. Say it. When you say the words, "I love you," they should carry with them the desire to also show that person that you love them. 2. Love unconditionally. If you can't love someone with attaching stipulations, then it's not really love. If you have no intention of allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, then you are not loving them unconditionally. 3. Expect nothing in return. Love just for the ...
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Bought these amazingly fantastic espadrilles tonight. I'm always a little leery buying shoes or really any sort of apparel without trying it on, but it's free shipping and free returns/exchanges, so I don't feel too bad about it. And I got them 10% off because of Valentine's Day from www.onlineshoes.com for a total of less than $54. So that's pretty sweet. They're just so summery and I haven't made a good purchase lately. In other news, I'm amazed by how long it takes to put together one application for a job. Probably about a good two hours or more for each one. I'm hoping it'll start to go faster, because this is just insane. The total I've submitted so far is four--I just turned in the one for Heartland today and shipped off one for Millikin in the mail. Eek!
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I have spent hours tonight reworking my resume. I want the formatting to at least catch someone's eye, even if the content on mine is not as outstanding as someone else's. So that's what I've been doing. It's almost there. Unfortunately NeoOffice isn't doing it for me anymore... I'm afraid I'm going to have to break down and get Microsoft Office for Mac. I just can't do everything that I want and it's totally annoying. Like--for Pete's sake--I can't even change the margin size, deactivate a hyperlink, or add a symbol. There may be ways to do that, but I haven't figured it out and, trust me, I've tried. I really need to finish this ASAP because I have three jobs that I need to apply for and who knows when they'll close. I just get so nervous; I want everything I send them to be perfect and totally representative of how awesome I am. Ha! I also spent too much time tonight looking at wedding stuff. I can totally understand ho...
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I am wasting too much of my time lately looking at wedding related things. I swore I wouldn't do this. It's way too premature, but I just came across something that I love. If I were way cooler than I am, I would totally do this color scheme. I want purple/lavender in some way because it's my fav and I've loved peacock feathers forever and this blend of colors is just heavenly. I love those invitations! The hair pin and flowers are great too, and the earrings are totally my style. The bridesmaid dress isn't my taste and some of the other things may be a little too eclectic. I don't know, though... there's just something about this mix that makes me happy.
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I am so completely over the snow. I'm over hearing about it and seeing pictures of it, I'm over walking through it and driving on top of it. I'm over having it fall from the sky. But alas, it's snowing right now and we're to get a few more inches today. I knew that having those snow days would be a pain in the ass. Catching up at work on Thursday was overwhelming, but we got it under control eventually. I had to reschedule my mock interview from Wednesday to Friday. Oh, and my class that was supposed to meet on Wednesday will now meet on a Saturday or Sunday instead. Awesome. I guess I shouldn't complain. It was nice to have a few extra days off and I literally did nothing of value during those days. Tomorrow is three months until graduation. I have officially applied for two positions--both of them are advising jobs at UNLV (one in Fine Arts and one in Engineering). I basically have no hope of an interview, but I thought I'd at least try. I'm qualif...