I don't know... I just wanted to post this song. It's called "I Am" by the band Further Seems Forever. It reminds me of the summer before I met Philip. In fact, I talked about this album  and song in one of my speeches during COM101--about how it could be about a significant other or about God/Jesus. Everything about it reminds me of how God might feel in relation to us.

It could go so many ways. Like, people blame God for a lot of things in their lives. God can be good and God can be bad, depending upon where you're at in your life, your opinion at the time, or what you've decided about God. God could be a source of freedom or a source of restriction. God could be a source of life or a source of death or somewhere in between, perhaps a source of endurance. Maybe it's saying that God is all of these things at once, or none of these things. Despite all of this, God just wants a relationship with you--regardless of what you think or believe. I also think the song could be specifically about Jesus from the last line... "You could protect me, but you will kill me when you're through." Or it could be saying that Jesus experienced all of these for you on the cross so that you wouldn't have to.

In any case, it's just a beautiful song. It also seems like a really complicated song to play. The drums seem hard and the rhythm is really different. I'm not trained in music or anything, so I don't know. But yeah... enjoy. (Not that great of a version, but there were only two options on YouTube.)


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