I feel like I often forget that my mom's death has affected a lot of people other than myself. I realize how selfish this is. My dad, my brother, my grandma (mom's mom), my aunts, my mom's many friends... I forget that they too grieved and are still grieving. They loved her and miss her just as I do and count themselves incredibly blessed to have known her.

I learned during my time at BroMenn that after someone dies, the memorialization of that person tends to revolve around how great that person was, without any acknowledgment of that person's flaws. I mean, why dwell on that? It's kind of inappropriate, right?

But... my mom was amazing. True story. Sure, there were things about her that were crazy that also drove me crazy, but it doesn't mean she was any less amazing. She just was. If I could someday be half as amazing as she was, I would be happy. And I think I would feel that way even if she were still alive.


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