I am so relieved that Tuesday and Wednesday are over! I was dreading both days--but mostly Wednesday.

So Tuesday I had the interview at Bradley. I would love to work there. The building where my office would be is beautiful and brand new; it just opened last year. The people seem great... really down to earth and just generally nice. The actual job, however, I'm not sure about. It is exactly what I did at Advocate BroMenn and I'm afraid that it wouldn't be much of a challenge and/or all that related to what I just spent two years getting a master's degree in. I think I would enjoy it, but I'd be afraid that once I want to move on that I won't have any real professional student affairs work and that I'd be pigeon-holing myself into administrative work. The interview itself went pretty well, I think. They seemed impressed by me, but it's always hard to tell. I think she said that I should hear on Friday (tomorrow!) what their decision is. I would definitely have some consulting to do if they offered it to me, but my feeling right now is that I would have to say no unless they offered me a pretty good amount of money, which I doubt would happen.

After driving back from Peoria on Tuesday, Philip met me at home and we left for Mattoon. As we were exiting I-57 I realized that I forgot my freaking outfit for the interview. I just could not believe that I did that! I brought everything BUT my suit. I was so mad at myself and seriously thought about just turning back around and going home. I was already feeling inadequately prepared and too inexperienced for the job--it just felt like a sign that I wasn't meant to be there. I fought the urge to cry and me and Philip checked into the hotel and went to the nearest JCPenney to find a suitable... suit... to wear for the next day. The best part of the entire trip to Mattoon was when I was looking for the suit and Philip whispered in my ear, "Psssttt... there's Amish people over there." I just couldn't stop laughing and it was exactly what I needed after being so disappointed with forgetting my clothes for the interview. After the Amish encounter, we found Lake Land College and drove around campus to find the building that I would need to go into the next morning. We drove back to the hotel and ate at a local restaurant called Cody's, which is basically like Logan's Roadhouse. I got a chicken sandwich that was shaped like a heart. :)

The interview went okay, I think. Not as well as the one at Bradley. Everyone was nice, of course, and I felt as though I answered most of the questions pretty well. I had to do a presentation, which was the major source of my nervousness and I actually think I did really well on the delivery, though no one seemed too enthused by it, so I don't know if that means they were unimpressed by the content or if they were just bored or if they just didn't like me that much, in general. I think I would enjoy the job. Even though I doubt that I'm the best candidate they had, I can't help but think about if I would say yes if they offered it to me. Mattoon is only an hour and a half away, but it still feels really different. I'm not sure if I'd be happy being that far from home. It's silly to say that, but it's just how I feel. I would have a lot of consulting to do for this one, as well, if it's offered to me.

So that's the story of my recent interviews. I honestly hope that I don't really have any others during the next three weeks--for one, I don't even have any time to do them. I just don't have the time to prepare, travel, worry, etc. I do have a new suit, though. Ha.

Three weeks from today I will have everything done. Everything.


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