Yesterday I graduated with my Master's degree.

It wasn't even difficult to wake up at 6:30 to get ready for it. I always try to be mindful and pay attention to days such as yesterday, because I want to remember what it was like and what I felt like. It was so fun putting on the hood, taking pictures with the cohort, waiting to walk out, walking into Redbird Arena with the seats packed with supportive family members, waiting to have my name called, walking across the stage, hugging Dr. Phyllis, and making my way back to my seat, officially with a Master's degree and finished with all things graduate school.

I got a little teary-eyed a few times. I enjoyed grad school and learned a ton, but a transitional point in life is always a little bittersweet. I thought briefly about my mom, who would be proud of me. I thought about how lucky I am to even have this opportunity. And I thought about all the hard work that I put in to accomplish this. It feels good and I am happy.

On to the next chapter! (Whatever it may be!)


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