Today's List (Day 2):
Things I'm Good At

I don't know why, but I've always been good at spelling. It just came natural for me. My mom always said it was because I sat and listened to my brother practice his spelling words when I was younger, but I'm just good at remembering how to spell anything after I've seen it once, including people's names.

I think I've also always been decently talented at writing. I won a contest in 5th grade for some poems that I wrote (uh, yeah... pretty awesome!) and I've been encouraged by professors to pursue getting some work published. I also just enjoy it. :) Unfortunately I'm not creative enough to write my own poems or stories nowadays, though I wish I had a really good idea for a series of books so that I could make the big bucks off of writing like J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer.

Mostly anything that requires coordination or athletic ability has always come natural for me, as well. Dance was easy for me because I have rhythm. Sports, in general, have never taken me long to pick up. I think these things are because I started dancing when I was very young and I had an older brother who taught me a lot about sports (and forced me to play with him).


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