Today's List (Day 18):
Road Trip Must-Haves

I've, sadly, never been on a "real" road trip. Two summers ago, we (my aunt and family friends, Pam and Donna) drove down to Alabama to leave for a cruise. We stopped in Mississippi on the way down and in Memphis on the way up. I guess that was sort of a road trip. Someday I would love to have three good, full weeks of vacation and drive to Yellowstone or California, but that probably won't happen for years. In any case, this is what I need on a road trip.

Gotta bring my iPod for good music.

New magazines... Nothing passes the time like looking at fashion and reading interesting information.

Good, thick books.

Snackies to keep your mouth occupied. :)

This makes me want to go on vacation! *sigh* Maybe someday...


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