The end of another week. I'm always so amazed at how quickly the days and weeks fly by. I mean, it's already mid-August. Insanity!

Tonight after work I went on a bit of a shopping spree, but I got the best deals ever. I found a cute top that was on clearance for $12.99 at JCPenney, but I also had a $10 off any purchase coupon, so I got a $40 top for $3.00. Then I went to Kohl's and found some black patent high heels on clearance for $11.99 (from $59.99). I also had a $10 off any purchase coupon there too, so I got $60 shoes for literally $2.00. It was crazy! I got $100 worth of merchandise for $5! I was so proud of myself for bargain shopping.

But I also bought a $45 bra from Victoria's Secret (though I did have a $10 off any bra coupon... so it was originally a $55 bra). I was never a believer in Vicky's bras until a couple of years ago. I've been needing a new strapless one for awhile. The one I have is from sophomore year of high school (yeah--it's more than 12 years old) and it's just a bit raggedy. I had the coupon so I figured I'd splurge. It really is amazing what a good bra can do. I got a BioFit 7-way bra. It's probably a good investment; I'll have to treat it right. I highly recommend this bra--so comfortable! Sorry if this is too much info for some readers (haha)!


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