I have to admit that I do miss my planner looking like this...

This was a pretty typical week during grad school; sometimes more, sometimes less. I loved writing all the stuff I had to do in there and I think I miss having a lot to keep me busy (sometimes). I feel much less productive, even though I know there are things I could be working on. I think I need a lot of structure in my life; I don't do well with free time (even though I do love it).

Anyways, I can't wait until I'm done working these late nights at Heartland. I thought I'd be cool with it indefinitely, but I'm totally looking forward to having a normal schedule most days. I will have to still work one late night a week until 7:00, but the rest of the week I'll be done at 5:00. My new schedule will begin on the 29th. Then perhaps I can have more of a routine--I really need to back to exercising and once I have time in the evenings, I'll be able to go to the fitness center on campus after work. Maybe then I'll also get in the habit of not going to sleep at 1:00 am or later since I'll have to get up early.

Oh! The phone in my office is now officially my phone. It even has my name on the display and everything. The computer and phone will now follow me into whatever office I end up in. I can be reached at 309.268.8029 for any academic advising related questions. I'm not currently taking appointments, though. :P


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