Today, this first day of September, is the start of the newest 30 Days of Lists. I guess you have to pay to view the blog and know what each day's list is? I'm clearly not doing that (my $6 could be spent more wisely), so I searched the 'net until I found someone's blog that is participating. So I'm following that person now and I'll be able to know what each day's list is. So scandalous. With that being said...

Today's List (Day 1):
Goals for This Month

1. Get into better shape / start exercising again (I could stand to lose about 5-8 pounds and now that I'm on a normal schedule at work, I'll be able to work out in the Student Fitness Center most nights.)
2. Hopefully find a place to move into with Philip
3. Live every day without wishing for the future (I feel like I spend too much of my life thinking about how things will hopefully be someday, i.e. when I'm on a vacation, when I move in with Phil, when we can start our life together, etc.)

This isn't much, but I'm not really into goal-setting, even though I'm a very future-oriented person.


I'm trying to not think about it much, but last night at work I had the worst "customer service" experience I've ever had in all of my years of dealing with the human race. I'll spare the details because it's pointless... suffice it to say that I made a mistake which I readily admitted and was nothing short of badgered for that mistake by the parent of a student. She was needlessly rude to me. I was physically worn out after I got off the phone with this person; my adrenaline was pumping even a few hours afterward. I fought back tears several times while on the phone with this person and while debriefing with a colleague of mine. It was intense and I was shocked. Anywaaay... this parent is calling Cecilia--for what reason, I don't know (probably just to complain further because there's nothing we can do)--and I'm mostly worried at this point that I will look incompetent. I haven't had the chance to prove yet how awesome I am, so I'm just really sad and disappointed that this is happening just three months after I've started. I don't know what Cecilia's reaction will be, which kind of scares me. Will she be more supportive of me and understand that honest mistakes happen (we are all human after all!) or will she side with the parent and her irrational amount of frustration? I hope that I'm worrying too much and that it just blows over, but until it happens, it's all that I've been able to think about since it happened last night.


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