Today's List (Day 20):
My Dream Space Would Include...

1. Dark hardwood floors
2. A colorful rug
3. Big, white baseboards and crown molding
4. A calming wall color like grayish-blue or mocha brown
5. Lots of windows to let that sunshine in :)
6. High ceilings
7. Dark wood furniture
8. Comfy fabrics--probably a big ole couch and two small, stylish chairs
9. Eclectic accessories
10. A home-y feel that represents me (or us, when we live together)


Today I had to wake up at 5:00 am to go to a community college articulation conference at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, which is about an hour and 50 minutes from here. Matthew was supposed to go with me, but he was sick all weekend, so I ended up going by myself. I got to use a Heartland vehicle (Honda Civic Hybrid--with the HCC logo on the side and everything!), so that was fun. Driving in the fog at 6:00 am and in the dark, however, was not. It wasn't that bad; I survived and got there early.

The actual conference was fine. I learned a lot about Eastern that I didn't know. I really like the school and the campus is nice--reminds me of ISU. The focus of the day was around the College of Sciences, specifically geology/geography, communication disorders, and the biological sciences. I'm glad that I could learn more about these science-y areas, since I feel like I know the least about these types of majors. It was really interesting to hear about what Eastern is up to that's unique.

I've had my fair share of awkwardness for a few months, though. I was there by myself and didn't know a soul, so it's always fun making small talk with a whole bunch of people who know at least one other person. I also saw a few of the people who interviewed me for the job at Lake Land--I figured they would be there, since EIU is right down the road and I'm sure they send a lot of their students there. It was fine... more small talk. I was ready for the thing to be over when it was. I won a "door prize," which I will give to Mrs. Hannah Schulte, since she is a very proud alum of Eastern!

Chloe goes to the vet tomorrow morning and she'll be mad at me come 8:00 am. She does love hanging out in that carrier, though. She was just purring up a storm when I took this. I gave her a good brushing tonight so that she looks presentable to the vet. What a pretty girl!


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