I really wish it were possible for us to get married sooner. I am baffled already by how much planning goes into such an event, and I even think that I was prepared for it! 

My aunt Peggy and I are going to look at Evelyn Chapel after I get out of work on Thursday, so I'm pretty excited to see it in person! If it's as spectacular as I think it might be, Philip and I will go see it on Monday. If it's not as spectacular as I think it might be, I'm more seriously considering the option of the church I grew up in, Christ Lutheran Church. I'm still not sure how that works in terms of being a member and/or having a different pastor officiate, but I guess if Evelyn doesn't work out that I'll have to make some phone calls. Philip's mom also mentioned the church that she and Philip's dad got married at in Peoria, and I'm not totally opposed to that idea, but if Philip and I are living in Bloomington/Normal, it might be impractical to try to plan a wedding and reception in a town 50 minutes away.

I just really wish that Philip and I were living together because it would make this whole experience a lot more fun! I don't want to inundate him with wedding talk already, but especially once things get more involved, it'll just make it better if we're living together! I try not to think about or worry about it too much--but I just want to see my fiance (ha!) everyday!


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