Last week I had asked people to give me suggestions on facebook for other small places besides Evelyn Chapel that we can have a ceremony. I got some good ideas, but only two were feasible--Centennial Christian Church and The Wittenberg Lutheran Center, which is where my parents got married.

I emailed both places to ask if they allowed other pastors to officiate and what the capacity is. The pastor at Wittenberg wrote back yesterday, asking a lot of questions like if I'm still a member at the church I grew up at, if I attend, if Philip attends, etc. He also said that, although he was sure that Jim (the pastor that I want to conduct our ceremony) was a nice person and a strong Christian, that Missouri Synod Lutheran churches do not allow pastors of any other denomination to preside over services. Not having Jim do our service (or at least some other pastor that I know--since I know so many, it would feel silly to not have someone do it that I actually am friends with) is kind of a deal-breaker for me, so I emailed the pastor at Wittenberg back to tell him that. This is the email I got back:

"Sara, it is sad that on this side of heaven such divisions separate us... but these divisions serve to make us think about what it is we REALLY believe.  I pray that you and Philip seriously and prayerfully discuss matters of faith as you begin your lives together.  Remember, a wedding lasts a day, but a marriage lasts a lifetime!  God's blessings to you both! - PB."

I suppose I appreciate this, but I'm not really sure what to think about it. I guess what I REALLY believe is that those divisions shouldn't exist and that a more holistic approach to faith would be beneficial to everyone, especially to those of us (myself included) who don't really know what they believe. The Wittenberg Center is, after all, just a space; does God see space denominationally? I doubt it. And we will, after all, be married, and I also doubt that God sees a marriage denominationally.

I probably have a bad taste in my mouth about Missouri Synod Lutherans anyway. I grew up in that denomination and have had negative experiences with them in the past. I thought I would reach out, but they have again shut me down--the way this pastor mentioned Jim was disrespectful to him and it's not as if I need to be reminded that MARRIAGE IS FOREVER. Oh, religion...


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