I have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks!

This weekend I get to see my good friend Michele, who I will ask to be my maid of honor. I hope she says yes. There's no reason why she wouldn't, other than she'll be across the country--which is a real possibility. Right now she's back in central Illinois from Washington D.C., where she's doing an internship. I wish I got to see her more often because she really is one of my best friends, but alas, life takes her lots of places.

On Monday I'm taking the day off and going to Chicago with my aunt Peggy to do our annual Christmas shopping trip at Water Tower Place. Really we only go to eat lunch at Cheesecake Factory (red velvet cheesecake--to die for!) and get exuberant amounts of Garrett's Popcorn to give as gifts. I'm hoping that it won't be as busy since it'll be a Monday, but who knows.

The weekend after that Philip and I are going to St. Louis to see a Blues game. It's been a few years since we did this and I'm excited because I really do love going to hockey games. We'll also visit with some of Philip's friends who live down there.

It'll be really nice to have two three-day weekends in a row. And then after that, it'll be Christmas and I'll have 10 days off at work! I'm so lucky.

So we're having the reception at Eastland Suites Hotel and Conference Center! A couple weeks ago I went and looked at both Eastland Suites and the Parke Hotel. There were positives and negatives to both--the positives with Eastland Suites are price and what's included in the package. The only negative is that the room isn't as elegant as I want, but it'll do. The ceiling is lower than at Parke Hotel, which makes a big difference... but it'll be fine. I'm happy with our choice and it was the best option out of the ones we had. It'll be lovely.

I made an appointment with David's Bridal to look at wedding dresses and flower girl dresses in January! I'm really excited, but kind of nervous. I'm the type of person who wants to exhaust all of my options before I make a decision, but I know I can't do that with wedding dresses. I doubt that I'll even want to, though, once I see how many dresses there actually are. I'm also afraid that I just won't find something that I love. It'll be fine if this happens at David's Bridal because there are other places in Bloomington that I can look, but I'm still scared that I won't find the perfect one. I also know that I like or don't like something right when I see it, so I hope I don't frustrate the consultant or the people I'm bringing with me haha!


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