I had a very vivid dream last night that I was (sorry, Philip) dating (sort of?) a guy from the show True Blood who I sort of have a celebrity crush on. We walked into my old bedroom at home and on my bed was a transcript from Heartland, which showed that I took a couple developmental math classes my freshman year. He saw them and he's like, "I'm not going to date someone who's stupid!" and he walked out. I followed him out and we argued and argued and I'm like, "I have a Master's degree! I'm not stupid!" I couldn't convince him that I wasn't an idiot, though, and he left.

My mom was there and I was really upset. I felt like I was 14 again. It was one of those stupid "heart breaks" where you feel like it's the worst thing to ever happen, when it doesn't actually even matter in the grand scheme of things.

And then things changed, though I was back in my old bedroom at home. Outside of my window there was a buffalo or a bull or a cow that was completely clean of its skin. (Gross, I know.) And sitting on the side of the buffalo/bull/cow was a huge lion, who was obviously the culprit of the skinning of the other animal. I told my mom about it, but she wasn't concerned. My dad was outside and all of his tools from the garage were spread out all over the driveway; I guess he must've been cleaning or something. I was so scared that he was going to get attacked by the lion, but I couldn't go outside to tell him to come in because I didn't want to get attacked either.

I've had the second part of this dream before... the lion part. According to Dream Moods, the lion denotes "a force that is driving you to self-destruction." Since I'm never actually attacked, I guess this must mean that I'm fearful of something that might be driving me to self-destruction? I have no idea what that might be, but like I said, I've had this dream before of the lion outside of my house.

The guy leaving me means that I have a lack of self-worth. It can also mean that I am too agreeable and accommodating and that I need to learn to say no. Specifically because I'm being rejected by a "lover," I'm rejecting some part of my own character.

I don't know if I really believe that dream interpretation stuff, but I'm always interested to see what people say it means, especially when I can actually remember my dreams in detail, since it's so rare. Just kind of interesting!


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