
Showing posts from March, 2012
Today's List (Day 29): Songs That Make Me Want to Dance Literally just looking through my iPod alphabetically on this one to see what stands out to me. "Intergalactic" by the Beastie Boys "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas "Forever" by Chris Brown "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John "Summer Love" by Justin Timberlake (or anything else JT) "Niggas in Paris" by Kanye West and Jay-Z "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" by Michael Jackson (anything else by MJ too) "Hypnotize" by Notorious BIG "Superstitious" by Stevie Wonder "Yeah" by Usher
Monday's List (Day 26): My Morning Routine Wake up via alarm clock at about 6:50 Hit snooze a couple of times Finally get up at about 7:10 Pee Pet Chloe a little Weigh myself Hop in the shower Get dressed Do my hair Do my makeup Lotion + perfume + jewelry Run around getting some type of food together for lunch Run around getting workout clothes together for after work Check my phone; at this point it's probably 7:50 or 7:52 (It takes 10 minutes to get to work... eek!) Head out the door with all sorts of bags (This is one of my new pet peeves--having too much stuff to take to work with me!) Drive to work; hopefully hit all green lights! Fun times. My morning is usually rushed, which is kind of annoying but it's only my fault because I can't get my danged butt outta bed! Yesterday's List (Day 27): If I Could Do It Over Again, I Would... Be more appreciative of my mom Study abroad during undergrad, even though at the time I didn't real...
Yesterday's List (Day 24): I Am Famous For... Loving chocolate Traveling? I don't know what else. I don't like this list. Today's List (Day 25): Top 5 Most Played in iTunes This list actually surprised me. I've never looked at it before! "Mama's Song" by Carrie Underwood "Boy With a Coin" by Iron & Wine "Two is Better Than One" by Boys Like Girls featuring Taylor Swift "Bulletproof" by La Roux "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys
Today's List (Day 23): Confessions I am on facebook literally all day : At work it's minimized and chat is off, but it's always there. It's funny how much I don't care about it when I'm not around the computer, but when I am, I care way too much. I watch a lot of crappy tv : Ya know... like The Bachelor/ette , American Idol (sometimes), Grey's Anatomy , Keeping Up With the Kardashians , Say Yes to the Dress , My Fair Wedding , etc. I guess it's not as bad as what some people watch, but still. I'm kinda obsessed with celebrities, specifically the Royals : I look at a lot. It's stupid, really. I love kids movies : Disney, Pixar... I'm all 'bout it. I have a real addiction to chocolate : It's not a joking matter!
Yesterday's List (Day 21): With An Extra Hour in the Day, I'd... Sleep : I pretty much get plenty of sleep as it is, but ya know... Work out : If this hour happened to be directly before or after work, I'd use it to work out extra. I just can't get up and work out before going to work and, after work, I'm so hungry that it's often difficult for me to go for an hour to an hour and a half. (This is why I need to bring snacks!) Feel guilty : For not doing something more worthy of my time. Today's List (Day 22): My Care Package To You I don't quite understand this list, but whatevs. I guess if I were sending one, I would include... A card : I'm a card-sender, what can I say? Oreos : It's just a good stand-by. Beer Nuts : A local fav? EOS lip balm : Functional and cute. A crossword puzzle book : Mental stimulation. Gum : Fresh breath is everyone's friend. Playing cards : A communal cause. Hey, guess what?!  Today is 6 mon...
Yesterday's List (Day 19): Dear _____, You Can Make Me Happy In The Following Ways... Dear Tonight's Sleep... (I'm getting ready to go to sleep and I can't think of anything, so sorry! P.S. This list is pretty lame, anyway.) By not being that hot : It's summer already in central Illinois on the first day of spring (surprise surprise) and it's flippin' hot up here. I finally broke down and turned on the air conditioner, even though it's loud. Which brings me to my next point... By not waking me up, even though the air conditioner is really loud when it kicks on. By being super comfy and not causing me to toss and turn as per the norm the past couple of weeks. Today's List (Day 20): Favorite Memories I have a lot of memories; they are some of my favorite things. I am a very reflective person, so memories are important to me. It's hard to pick out specific memories since a lot of mine are just experiences rather than certain momen...
I am so behind. Sorry! Day 15's List (Thursday): Overheard Today... I really did overhear these things, except it was on Day 16, because I was already behind at that point. And I only overheard two funny things... "Just talk to me about the medicine!" -Kay Southey, secretary at HCC Advisement, telling a story to someone. "It's college! It's work!" -Vance Laine, advisor at HCC. I love the blunt conversations we sometimes have to have with students. Granted, he was kidding... but still. I have pretty much heard Lindsay have a real conversation with a student like this hahaha. Day 16's List (Friday): Pet Peeves Not that much really bothers me, but these are some things that came to my mind. Bad spelling/grammar : I always have the urge to bust out a red pen and just scribble all over things. Bad manners : Such as not saying thank you, interrupting me while I'm talking, etc... Slow drivers : Ugh I get so annoyed just thinking...
My soul just feels better with fresh air in my lungs. I didn't bring anything to work with me for lunch today (I am so out of groceries right now), so I was forced to go somewhere. I decided on Subway, since I hadn't had it forever and because it's probably the least caloric option in the vicinity of work. I took my tuna sandwich to Fairview Park and sat in the parking lot overlooking the hills where they let the fireworks off on the 4th of July. (That makes it sounds so picturesque, but it's not really!) I sat there for about half an hour, five minutes of which was spent with my eyes closed with the sunshine on my face. I thought about how perfect of a day it would be if I were at a beach. It was still pretty nice, even for being in Illinois in the middle of a bunch of cornfields. I drove back to campus and went for a walk for about 20 minutes. I smiled to myself thinking that folks in England would think that this weather is really hot. I remember one day Carrie ...
Today's List (Day 14): Tools and Toys To Try I'm not a big gadget person, so this one's going to be very uncreative. And short. My apologies. A phone with just a touch screen ? I like phones, but I don't really use them. I am impressed when people have cool phones, because cool phones make you a cool person. I am a person that doesn't need a cool phone because I don't talk to or feel a need to be connected to other people or the world at-large at all times. This makes me an uncool person. Anyway, in this day and age, cool phones (and cool people) are synonymous with phones that only have a touch screen. You know... iPhones and Androids and things of that nature. It is nearly impossible to find a "cool" phone that has real buttons and I like real buttons. Again, I am just proving to you how uncool I am. I'm also letting the cat out of the bag about how old I am getting. I'm fearful that I may have to jump into the pool of touch screen-exc...
Yesterday's List (Day 13): 10 Years Ago I Was... 17 years old : So young and clueless! Getting ready to graduate from high school Enjoying my last year in winter guard : Some of the best times of my life. Looking forward to senior picnic, senior dinner, and my graduation party : So many fun things happened at the end of senior year! Starting to worry about college and finding a job : I was pretty nervous to start college and I hadn't had a job for awhile and needed some spending money! (I ended up working at Jeffrey Alan's all four years of college.)
Today's List (Day 12): Super Powers I'd Like to Have To turn back time : (Say it altogether now... "ti-ome... ti-ome." You're not a true Will & Grace fan if you don't know what I'm talking about.) I'd like to turn back time so that I could see people that are gone and tell them that I love them and hug them one more time. I'd also like to turn back time so that I could relive moments that I don't fully remember and really take them in so that I have good memories. Teleportation : I always wished that I could just be wherever I needed to be instead of traveling there. This was particularly true when Philip and I first started dating and we had to drive home on school nights. It suuucked. It's not so bad now, but it would still be nice to see each other every night or go to the beach on the weekend! Also, teleportation beats flying any day, but being able to fly would be pretty sweet too. Psychic abilities : Is that a super power...
Today's List (Day 11): Right Now I'm... Home : In my bedroom. Stinky : From working out and tanning. In need of a shower : From the two previous bullet points. Listening : To the show that Philip's watching. Full : Just got done eating chili, which I've been wanting for awhile! Wanting : Some chocolate or other dessert. Sad : That we have to work tomorrow. Happy : That the weather is so nice right now and will be all week. :) Happy : That Philip's here hanging out with me. :) Kind of annoyed : I saw my half-brother at the store and he acted like he didn't want to even say hi to me. :(
Today's List (Day 10): Today Was Awesome Because... I slept in : Until 9:30 and just woke up on my own... that's always the best! I cleaned : The kitchen and bathroom were in desperate need, so that got done. And then I took the recycling that I mentioned, oh, about a week ago. And then I vacuumed. And then I did the dishes. And then I did laundry. The whole place just feels so much better! I worked out : Spring break hours are a lot more limited at the rec center, but when I got there, there were only about 10 other people in the whole place. Usually it's jam packed full, so that was a nice change. I got ready at a good pace : Just like I talked about when I was describing a perfect weekend! Philip just came over : And we're getting ready to go eat dinner with his parents at Swinger's Grille. And there's relaxation in store tonight : We'll sit on the couch after that. :)
Just FYI... I deleted our wedding blog. I wasn't writing in it and I don't think it's that important or necessary. I wasn't enjoying writing a diluted version in that blog after I'd written every detail in this one. I doubt anyone was reading it or would read it anyhow. It was a cute idea at the time, but I'll just continue to chronicle every little step of the way in this one! Yay... 197 days ! Also, I need to do better about taking pictures of wedding-related things. I'm so sad that I forgot my camera when my aunt, Brooke, and the girls were trying on dresses. I would've liked to have a photo of them in the dresses that we actually chose. I guess it's not that big of a deal because we'll see them in lots of pictures in their dresses on the actual day, but still.
Yesterday's List (Day 8): I Need To Say No To... Not working out : I've done pretty good this week, but it's hard to actually get myself to go to the gym still. Candy, desserts, chocolately snacks, etc... : I am a junk food junkie and once I get started, it's hard for me to stop. Hence why I should just say no. Worrying too much about how I look : The eternal struggle. Today's List (Day 9): Happy Places There's no place like home. Cambridge UK The mall. What can I say? I like to shop! Any and every beach Philip's arms *awe*
Yesterday's List (Day 7): Things I'm Inspired By Nature England Good music Funny and interesting women (This is Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman.) Funny and interesting women: part 2 (This is Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love .)
Today my mom has been gone eight years. Feeling a little more reflective and grateful today than usual. Today's List (Day 6): Things to Collect Hmm. I'm not a big collector. Our house is covered in Precious Moments (my mom's collection), but it doesn't interest me. Nutcrackers : This is really the only thing I actually collect. Philip started this tradition our third (??? 2005?) Christmas together. I do love nutcrackers and I have about 6 of them now. I always get excited to see what theme he chooses each year. Gingerbread House / Sweets Ornaments : I guess this could also be considered a collection. This started when I worked at Hallmark because they had this super cute gingerbread house ornament series. I now get a gingerbread house ornament, a cookie tray ornament, a "Santa's Sweet Ride" ornament, and a cupcake ornament every year. My whole tree is gingerbread house / sweets! Jewelry : I have quite a bit, but it's not really a decision ...
Well, I'm already behind on my lists, but I couldn't help it because the person I'm following didn't post her's until after I left for the day yesterday and I just got home from spending time with my boooyfriend. I also went to David's Bridal (again!) yesterday so that Brooke could try on bridesmaid dresses. She chose the same one as my aunt! So all of the girls will be in the dress that I posted a couple of weeks ago. I love that dress! They all will look so beautiful and elegant--I'm so excited about it! We also picked the flower girl dresses and it's also super cute. I'm wondering now, though, if the style is discontinued because it kinda says that on the website. Brooke's not ordering them until June, so I guess we'll find out then? They tried on shoes and headbands and they looked so adorable! Anywho... here are the lists! Yesterday's List (Day 3): Recipe for a Perfect Weekend Sleeping in : Until at least 9:30, ot...
Hey--guess what?! I'm doing another 30 Days of Lists by stalking some random person's (a 20 year old girl from North Wales) blog so that I can find out what each day is. And I'm not spending the time to write out the list on paper and make it all beautiful; I'm just typing them out. So... I'm already behind since it's March 2, but heeeeeere we go! Yesterday's List (Day 1): Challenges to Accept Okay, kind of a weird list. I'm already not impressed so far. C'mon, people. Girls are paying you to come up with interesting lists to blog about. Anywayyy... I'm accepting the 30 Days of Lists challenge! Really any other challenge that comes my way so that I can be all Barney Stinson and say "Challenge accepted!" Today's List (Day 2): This Month's Goals Keep on track with and finish 30 Days of Lists : I'd like to not be late after yesterday, but we'll see if I can do it. I know I'll finish it, th...