Philip moved in this weekend! My place is too small for the two of us, but we'll make it work for now. It'll be interesting to live together after seeing each other only every weekend or less for the past 8+ years.

Have I talked about us looking for a house? I'm going to talk to CEFCU on Friday to see how much we can get pre-approved for. It probably won't be much, but maybe enough for us to get a small-ish starter home. We just really don't want to sink rent into something crappy when we could spend as much or a little more to create some equity on a place that we can make our own that would likely be bigger with a yard. I am excited and nervous to go! Philip doesn't think we'll be able to afford anything, but I just need to find out to be sure.

As a part of our meeting with CEFCU, I have to gather all sorts of financial documents, including all of our checking, credit card, and savings account statements. I was asking my dad for a copy of my savings account information at State Farm Bank when he started asking me about our process. Kind of out of the blue he asked if we would want to stay... as in, at home. I told him probably not and if we did, it would only be to save a whole bunch of money to have a better down payment on a house in about a year or so. He then proceeded to talk about how he didn't need an 8-room house anymore and that he had been thinking about moving upstairs and Philip and I would be able to have the lower level. I was very surprised, because that idea had never crossed my mind; I never thought it was something my dad would want to do. It wasn't a full proposal from my dad, but if that does come someday, I am 98% sure that we'll say no for many reasons.
  • We just want our own space. My dad has his little model car tinkering area in the basement, so he'd have to go through our area to get there and I just don't know how comfortable I feel with my dad coming through whenever he wants. I'm almost 28... I just need that separation. There's also just something different about getting married and having our own, new space together.
  • I would want to redecorate and there's a lot that I would feel bad about changing since it was my mom and dad's. For example, every room would need to be painted and/or have wallpaper taken down. My dad has redone every room in the house and I would feel guilty changing his hard work. Also, things like my dad's big screen tv... I have no desire or need to keep that and it sure as heck isn't going upstairs, so what would we do with it?
  • I feel like if we stayed, that we would just stay forever. I'm sure it would be easy to just become very comfortable, especially with how much it would cost to live there (i.e. next to nothing).
  • It's not Philip's fav place on Earth. Even though I'm really used to the police station, the trains, and the students, he's not. Even I would prefer to move to a more quiet neighborhood.
Pros would include, again, saving tons of money. Another pro would be simply staying at home. That house has so many memories for me and it will always be home. If we don't stay and my dad decides he doesn't need that big house, what will happen to it?

Anyway, we'll see what CEFCU says. We might have no choice other than to live upstairs for the next year and save money so that we can have a rock star down payment a year from now and then buy a house.


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